I am writing this letter with the hope that you and your families are all safe and healthy during these trying times. With the ever-changing guidance from the CDC and the State of Texas, I wanted to provide an update on our June production, Yeomen of the Guard, and the overall status of the Society.
Summer Production
First, we have not made any decisions regarding our production as of today, March 18. We are proceeding with cautious optimism that in the next 60 days social restrictions will be eased, enabling us to hold our rehearsals and deliver a beautiful production this summer. In the event that this changes, we will let everyone know whether we intend to postpone, modify, or as a last resort, cancel our production completely. We know you all look forward to seeing our shows almost as much as we love producing them for you; however, in light of the current pandemic, our top priority is the safety of our cast, crew and loyal patrons.
Alistair Donkin/Crew
Second, COVID-19 has not only closed most of the performance spaces in town, but it has also locked out our beloved director and featured performer, Alistair Donkin. As many of you know, Alistair travels from England each year to direct and star in our shows and with the current travel ban that now includes the UK, he will not be able to enter the country until this is lifted. I have spoken with Alistair and he is committed to helping us put together a production (whatever that may look like) if at all possible and that is our goal as well. Although we are all in the same holding pattern, I have been in contact with members of the orchestra and stage-hand crews with hope to return to the stage as soon as possible. Our productions are key to ensuring majority of our crew can sustain a living for themselves and their family, and we are certainly sympathetic during this difficult time.
Society Status
Third, as a non-profit company, we rely on our annual productions to enable us to continue operating and bringing you the shows we love. We have asked our support partners and foundations for some funds to push us forward in the event of a complete cancellation of the performance. As with any business, there are certain expenses we incur throughout the year whether we put on a show or not. While we would likely weather a complete stage production cancellation, I can promise you that we will do everything we can to present the music of Gilbert and Sullivan in 2020.
While COVID-19 has definitely cemented its spot at the top of Ko-ko’s little list, we know that we will get through this with the same wit and grace as is found all throughout the G&S canon. While we wait to see what lies ahead, dance a cachucha, pour oh pour a pirate sherry, or brew up some magical tea with your families and friends but please, wash your hands first.
Steven B. McCary
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Houston